Six Collages by Zarka

To me, perspective is everything. I have always found it fascinating how a same fact or event can have a completely different meaning, depending on one's perspective. In the end, reality is relative and can be so easily influenced that it ends up not existing. I love creating my own reality using exclusively old books, magazines, glue and time. This requires patience and imagination. One aspect I love about this medium is the fact that you just have to work with the images you find, you cannot alter them. In this way, an analog collage becomes an analogy for life, you just have to work with the cards you’re dealt.

After a successful birth in 1973, a Masters in Law in Geneva, Switzerland, a career as business controller and a few years dedicated to making children’s wishes come true via the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Zarka now lives and works in the Netherlands, together with her husband and 3 children. Since discovering the magic world of analog collages in 2015, she divides her time between running a household and dreaming away in her own little world, her collage room. She has been invited to the international collage festival Collagistas, had a solo exhibition in Singapore and started making illustrations and commissioned work. Her collages have been featured in Kolaj magazine, de Grote Amsterdamse Kunstkalender 2016, and are in the Verbeke Foundation collection in Belgium. She has been a proud member of @thecollageclub on Instagram since 2017.


>Next artist: Todd Bartel